Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cancon - Day 2!

Hi all - 3 more games and still doing well.

Game 1 - Multiple objectives and Hold the centre for the secondary, Pitched Battle. Honoured to verse Crynn from Melbourne!

Crynn was using Grey Knights - roughly had a Grand Master, Coteaz, 10x tooled up paladins, 10x strike knights, landraider godhammer with psyammo, venerable psyflemen, deathcults with a mystic and acolyte or so, thats the gist of it. He rolled high on scoring, so every unit ended up being scoring that could be.

He had first turn, and moved his landraider to shoot down my vendetta - that had been carefully pinned in place to avoid flat out moves in the scout phase. Unfortunately for Crynn, he failed to penetrate, which would cost him a lot. His psyflemen shot at my manticore in cover, doing a glance and a pen, both being saved. I think he ran forward with all his paladins etc, but had pretty shocking movements/runs on the whole.

My first turn I think blew off one lascannon from the landraider, via the manticore. Both my hydras shot his Venerable Dread, and blew off an autocannon arm. I think the vendetta killed one paladin with lascannon fire.

His second turn shook the vendetta, and not much else I think. He'd deepstruck in the strike marines, 2x psycannon in one unit, all guns in the other. Psycannons tried to hit the banewolf to no avail.

My second turn I took out the other autocannon arm - leaving a dread standing somewhat awkwardly ontop of the building. The banewolf took out the psycannon marines, and the second banewolf tore through cover (go dozers!!) to flame the other 5 - only killing 2, but assisted by autos and multilasers to finish off the last 3.

His third turn I believe popped my chimera with one veteran squad inside, killing most in the explosion. Vendetta makes its cover saves.

My third turn I jump out my command squad and pour plasma fire into the paladin squad, trying to knock off coteaz.. but at this point I realise he's running the paladins as a 10 man unit, not the combat squadded 5 mans that I had assumed! This was very costly, as I had hoped to remove his stubborn this turn and make both units run, that wasn't going to happen now. My meltas fired into the same unit from the disembarked squad, and he lost a model here and there.

His fourth turn he charged the paladins into the banewolf and command chimera (daisy chaining quite well), also killing the command squad. Again, he had failed to kill the vendetta with the single lascannon, and his dread managed to get down/walk towards the objective.

My fourth turn, I hammered the paladins again with lascannons, meltas, plasma, etc and brought the unit down to 4 + coteaz - Crynn fails saves like a champ! More importantly, my hydras immobilise (with both rolls) the dread, something like 2 inches away from the objective. My second banewolf moved to block his landraider from moving, whilst my melta chimera moved to intercept.

His fifth turn brings a lot of shuffling to ensure he has two objectives unless I can dislodge him, and contesting the one with the vendetta - which he finally brings down with a lascannon from the landraider! He shot and killed the melta foot squad at the same time.

My fifth turn - I realise with 4 paladins and coteaz left in the unit, I should be able to strafe coteaz to remove stubborn - Crynn unfortunately made the mistake of moving forward, when that objective I could contest either way. Because my company command chimera was immobilised, I wouldn't have been able to get out and strafe him if he had moved back to cover the other two objectives. I needed 5 wounds to get him, and I rolled 7 (out of 8 shots!) - also killing a wounded paladin. I hydra up his dread to remove psyker defence, but it stays put - my psykers failed their first test, but the second unit just manages to pass with a -4 modifier! The paladins run and I claim that objective. The right flank the meltas/banewolf and platoon command fail to kill the grandmaster and deathcults, so it ends up 1-0 objectives in favour of me.

Worked out to be a great game, and Crynn was a great sport about some not so lucky dice rolls!

Game 5 - Versing Orcs, table quarters, with objectives as secondary.

My first loss - without going into too much detail, my opponent cheated on a number of things, with a lot the tournament regulars catching him on it but not commenting. He reserved his whole list and came charging at me, and I wasn't able to kill enough orcs to slow the tide (they more or less all entered turn 3 and became fearless for my turn 4, giving me one turn to repel with psykers). With so many orcs and more troops than I had, he managed to get 2-1 on table quarters for a minor win. However, the guys insisted I should speak to the TO regarding his playing, which I did, and it was generally agreed that he cheated to achieve his win through moving significantly further than he was allowed to for his final charge. Oh well!

Game 6 - versing Dark Eldar, Centre of the table, and home objectives as secondary.

This was a great game versing another great player - unfortunately for him it was a pretty harsh match up. He reserved his whole army, which was taken apart bit by bit as they entered the board. My psykers took out his wracks, wyches, and warriors through leadership (actually, he failed the wyches ld by himself lol) and we had an epic moment at the end with his single archon facing off against every high strength gun in my army :) I think the Hydra got him in the end (damn 2++ lol)

I ended up with 3 troops in the centre and 1 on the home objective, for a 21-4 win. This mission would have been extremely hard for the massacre, as you would need to virtually not lose a single troop choice, and ensure they couldn't get a single troop choice within 12 inches of the centre. Again, awesome game though and look forward to a more even handed game in the future!

2 games to go before the end - sitting pretty on 5/6 wins!

Oh and I got 20.5/50 for comp.. lol.. for a rough idea, the dark eldar opponent got 25.5/50, so literally winning the secondary mission in that game easily made up the disparity in comp.

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